作者: L Kondili , Andrea Marcellusi , Raffaella Viti , Maria Giovanna Quaranta , Luigina Ferrigno
摘要: RESULTSHepatitis C virus (HCV) is a leading cause of liver-related morbidity and mortality worldwide. Italy has the highest prevalence of HCV in Europe and the highest death rate for HCC and cirrhosis. Each year more than 20,000 chronic liver disease complicated deaths are reported and, in more than 65% of them, HCV is the main etiological factor of chronic liver disease. Considering the morbidity and mortality impacts expected by the DAA therapy, due to their very high efficacy in eradicating HCV and in improving the liver related clinical outcomes, different consequences in the economic burden according to the access to therapy could also be expected.The aim of this work is to describe the changes in the epidemiologic pattern of HCV patients in care in Italy from the DAAs introduction (2014) to the universal access (2017) and to evaluate the net payback period to recover the initial investment on DAAs treatment from the National Health System (NHS) perspective.