Performance Evaluation of a Reversible Flow Double Skin Façade

作者: Marques da Silva , Gloria Gomes , Moret Rodrigues , None



摘要: Double-skin facade (DSF) is an architectural/engineering solution developed from the need to increase comfort in buildings with full glazed facades. The actual concept of holistic approaches to the building energy system considers DSF as an element of an Advanced Integrated Facade. DSF were developed for colder climates and uncertainty remains on their applicability to warmer areas due to higher probability of overheating. Moreover there is a need for data in order to properly evaluate how they work from comfort and energy use points of view and to improve and validate models and predictions from design tools (Hoseggen et al., 2008). In order to evaluate the thermal behaviour of such a facade LNEC (39" N) assembled a south facing test facility allowing changing among some of the possible configurations. Being a reversible flow type of DSF it means that it is possible to test configurations such as …
