作者: Joseph Belarge , GV Rogachev , J Blackmon , I Wiedenhover , L Baby
摘要: Development of theoretical framework that allows the combination of nuclear structure calculations with the continuum is an important objective of modern nuclear theory [A. Volya, PRC 79, 044308 (2009), S. Quaglioni and P. Navratil, PRL 101092501 (2008)]. Due to the low binding energy of exotic isotopes even the lowest excited states are unbound and therefore it is essential to take the continuum into account. We studied the structure of the lightest bound oxygen isotope, 13 O, through 12 N+ p resonance scattering using the new active target detector ANASEN [M. Matos et al., Proc. Intern. Symp. on Nuclei in the Cosmos, July 19-23, Heidelberg, Germany, p. 226 (2010)]. The experiment was performed at the John D. Fox Superconducting Accelerator Laboratory at Florida State University. A rare isotope beam of 12 N ions was produced using the radioactive nuclear beam facility RESOLUT. Methane gas was used …