The Manifestation of Queer Theology: The Act of “Promulgating Universal Joy and Expiating Stigmatic Guilt” Through the (Re) Inscription of Rituals, Artefacts, Devotional Practices and Place

作者: Jason Prior



摘要: Introduction various forms of sexuality have, over the last few decades, been a key issue in Christian theological discussion. Homosexuality has been the focus of some of the most heated of these debates. It is a central issue, as one may perceive obvious injunctions against homosexual behaviour in both the Old and New testaments, starting with Genesis 19: 1–29 and carrying through to Corinthians 6: 9–11 and beyond. For example:[i] fa man lies with a man as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall be put to death: their blood is upon them (Leviticus 20: 13).Based on these kinds of injunctions, homosexual acts have been described as abominable, unnatural, and sinful (Buckley 1960; taylor 1972; roden 2009; Dynes and Donaldson 1992). the international, national, and regional governing bodies of the various Christian denominations, including the roman Catholic Church (gramick …
