Relationships of pinnate (fern) and simple (unifoliate) leaf traits with seed yield and seed size in kabuli chickpea

作者: S Samineni , PM Gaur , BV Rao



摘要: Chickpea typically has pinnate type of compound leaves in which the leaf lamina (blade) is differentiated into a rachis and a number of leaflets. These leaflets are generally odd in number and borne directly on the rachis. Mutants have been identified that have simple (unifoliate) leaves in which the lamina is not differentiated into rachis and leaflets, though there may be deep incisions in the lamina. A single recessive gene is known to control the simple leaf trait (Pundir et al. 1990). Most chickpea cultivars released in different countries have normal pinnate leaves. The simple leaf mutants have also been exploited in chickpea breeding and some cultivars, mainly kabuli type, with simple leaves have been released, e.g. Surutato 77 and Macarena in Mexico; Dwelley, Sanford, Evans and Sierra in USA; and CDC Diva and CDC Xena in Canada (FJ Muehlbauer, personal communication; Warkentin et al. 2003).
