Breeding achievements.

作者: PM Gaur , CLL Gowda , EJ Knights , Tom Warkentin , N Açıkgöz



摘要: Breeding efforts have contributed substantially to improving yield potential (global yield increased from 591 kg/ha in 1975 to 818 kg/ha in 2005), regional adaptation through resistance or tolerance to abiotic (such as drought, salinity and low temperature) and biotic (including diseases, nematodes and insect pests) stresses, plant type and grain characteristics. This chapter attempts to highlight important chickpea-breeding achievements, particularly of the last two decades. Progress in chickpea improvements has come exclusively from conventional breeding approaches, such as hybridization and mutation. There has been rapid progress in developing biotechnological tools and approaches in the recent past. The technology for development of chickpea transgenics is well established and the genome map of chickpea is rapidly expanding. Molecular markers have been identified for some traits and for many …
