作者: Melnikov Dmitry , Nastase Horatiu
摘要: In this paper we study the Wiedemann-Franz laws for transport in 2+ 1 dimensions, and the action of Sl (2, ℤ) on this transport, for theories with an AdS/CMT dual. We find that Sl (2, ℤ) restricts the RG-like flow of conductivities and that the Wiedemann-Franz law is L= κ/Tσ= cg 4 2 π/3, from the weakly coupled gravity dual. In a self-dual theory this value is also the value of L= κ/(Tσ) in the weakly coupled field theory description. Using the formalism of a 0+ 1 dimensional effective action for both generalized SY K q models and the AdS 4 gravity dual, we calculate the transport coefficients and show how they can be matched at large q. We construct a generalization of this effective action that is invariant under Sl (2, ℤ) and can describe vortex conduction and integer quantum Hall effect.