摘要: A single pass linac with 650 MHz superconducting RF (SRF) is used to accelerate muons to 1.95 GeV. High-gradient normal conducting RF cavities at these frequencies require extremely high peak-power RF sources. Hence SRF cavities are preferred. The 650 MHz SRF linac is configured using 25 MV/m RF cavities with a 7.5 cm aperture radius. The initial phase-space of the beam, as delivered by the muon front-end, is characterized by significant energy spread; the linac has been designed so that it first confines the muon bunches in longitudinal phasespace, then adiabatically superimposes acceleration over the confinement motion, and finally boosts the confined bunches to 1.95 GeV. In the initial part of the linac, when the beam is still not relativistic, the far-off-crest acceleration induces rapid synchrotron motion (1.5 periods along the linac), which allows bunch ‘head’and ‘tail’to switch places within the RF …