作者: Amjad Ashoorioon , Abasalt Rostami , Javad T Firouzjaee
摘要: We explicitly construct a double field inflationary model, which satisfies the latest PLANCK constraints at the CMB scales and produces the whole dark matter energy density as primordial black holes (PBHs), in the mass range . The PBHs are produced after the end of slow-roll inflation from the bubbles of true vacuum that nucleate during the course of inflation. Obtaining PBHs in this mass range enforces the scale of inflation to be extremely low, , which makes the efforts to observe gravitational waves at the CMB scales futile. However, it is high enough to allow for a successful Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN). Instead, exit from the rolling metastable direction to the true vacuum of the potential {\it may} happen with a first-order phase transition (PT) that leaves behind a stochastic gravitational wave background (SGWB), which is potentially observable by LISA. We show …