Yb $ _3 $ Pt $ _4 $: A New Route to Quantum Criticality

作者: MC Bennett , DA Sokolov , MS Kim , Y Janssen , Yuen Yiu



摘要: We have studied the evolution of the weakly first order antiferromagnetic transition in heavy fermion YbPt using a combination of specific heat, magnetic susceptibility, and electrical resistivity experiments. We show that magnetic fields suppress the Neel temperature, as well as the specific heat jump, the latent heat, and the entropy of the transition, driving a critical endpoint at 1.2 K and 1.5 T. At higher fields, the antiferromagnetic transition becomes second order, and this line of transitions in turn terminates at a quantum critical point at 1.62 T. Both the ordered and high field paramagnetic states are Fermi liquids at low temperature, although the former has a much larger magnetic susceptibility and stronger quasiparticle scattering. Unlike previously studied quantum critical systems, the quasiparticle mass in YbPt does not diverge at the quantum critical point, implying that here the quasiparticle interactions drive the zero temperature transition. The Fermi liquid parameters are nearly field-independent in the ordered state, indicating that the fluctuations never become fully critical, as their divergences are interrupted by the first order antiferromagnetic transition.
