PSO Tuned PID Controller for DC Motor Speed Control

作者: Aaditya Sharma , Veena Sharma , OP Rahi



摘要: The purpose of this paper is to plan a PSO algorithm application to tune the parameters of the PID regulator. This paper employs the model of a DC motor as a plant. As the conventional tuning of PID regulator using Ziegler–Nichols (Z-N) technique delivers a major overshoot, the present-day heuristics approach named particle swarm optimization (PSO) has been utilized here to upgrade the proficiency of old conventional technique. Four different performance indices (IAE, ISE, ITAE, and ITSE) are used while comparing PSO-based PID and ZN-PID in this paper. The results have shown the better performance of the PID tuning utilizing the PSO-based optimization approach.
