Electromyographic And Mechanomyographic Responses During Three Sets To Failure Of Low-Versus High-load Resistance Training.: 3451 Board# 212 May 30, 9: 30 AM-11: 00 AM

作者: Nathaniel DM Jenkins , Jessie M Miller , Noelle Yeo , Cory M Smith , Ethan C Hill



摘要: PURPOSE: Compare muscle activation strategies during 3 sets to failure of LL versus HL resistance training.METHODS: 15 men (mean±SD age= 22±3 yrs) were randomly assigned to a LL (n= 7) or HL (n= 8) training group. After familiarization and forearm flexion (ie, biceps curl) 1 repetition (rep) maximums (1RM), subjects completed 3 sets to failure of forearm flexion resistance exercise with either 30% 1RM (LL) or 80% 1RM (HL). Electromyographic (EMG) and mechanomyographic (MMG) signals were recorded from the biceps brachii (BB). Normalized (% 1RM) EMG amplitude (EMG AMP), mean power frequency (EMG MPF), MMG AMP, and MMG MPF were quantified during a common 70 concentric range of motion for the first, last, and reps corresponding to 25, 50, and 75% of failure for each set.RESULTS: Reps totaled 46±9, 20±5, and 19±5 for LL and 11±2, 8±2, and 5±2 for HL during sets 1, 2, and 3 …
