Teaching minimally invasive interventions in Paediatric Dentistry: a cross-sectional survey of Dental Schools in Iran

作者: S Moradi , S Sabbagh , L Timms , V Ravaghi



摘要: Background Dental caries is a significant public health problem in Iran. Teaching  minimally invasive interventions in paediatric dentistry may facilitate the provision of treatment for untreated dental caries in children. We evaluated the teaching of such interventions in both undergraduate dental curriculum and Paediatric Dentistry Specialty Training Programme (PDSTP) in Iran. Methods This was a cross-sectional questionnaire-based survey. Participants in this study were the directors of 40 undergraduate programmes and 15 PDSTPs in all Iranian dental schools (response rate = 100%). Descriptive statistics were reported. Results The most commonly taught methods were preventive fissure sealant and preventive resin restoration (PRR), which were taught ‘both didactically and clinically’ in all undergraduate dental …
