作者: Thomas A Heberlein , Göran Ericsson , K-U Wollscheid
摘要: The answer to" Why do people hunt?" depends on who and how you ask. Philosophers focus on the excitement of the chase and the scarcity of game (ORxE6,~" GASSE'r, 1972), the spiritual relationship with nature (NELsoN, 1990) and human participation in the role of predator (KERASOVE, 1993). Eco-feminists (K~ J~ EL, 1995) explain trophy hunting in terms of competition and male dominance. LEOPOLr~(1953) reflecting a common sentiment, claims that"... the instinct that finds delight in the sight and pursuit of game is bred into the very fiber of the race." Social psychologists who ask hunters directly find that hunters most often say they hunt to be close to nature, to share time with friends and family, and to provide high quality meat. KECCEr~"(1996) has divided hunters into Nature Hunters, Meat Hunters and Sport Hunters based on their attitudes and values. Hunters repeatedly give a low rating to successfully bagging game as a component of satisfaction or hunting quality when asked (HEBEgloE~ t<, 1988, 1998). These reports are suspect however when statistical analysis of satisfaction shows hunters who bag game are much more satisfied with their hunt than those who do not bag game (VAsKE et. al., 1982)