Social protection and inclusion policy responses to the COVID-19 crisis

作者: Isabel Baptista , Eric Marlier , Slavina Spasova , Ramón Peña-Casas , Boris Fronteddu



摘要: The European Pillar of Social Rights (EPSR) Action Plan1 published by the Commission on 4 March 2021 draws attention to the significant impact of COVID-19 on jobs and welfare systems across Europe. In its Porto Declaration issued on 8 May 2021, the European Council recognises these challenges and underlines the EU commitment to continue deepening the implementation of the EPSR at EU and national levels, establishing among its key priorities the need to reduce inequalities, defend fair wages, fight social exclusion and tackle poverty, promote equality and fairness, support young people, and address the risks of exclusion for particularly vulnerable social groups.The social protection and inclusion systems in place in EU Member States, combined with exceptional public policy responses, ranging from macro-economic stimulus interventions to measures to help sustain employment, incomes and the economy, have succeeded in limiting the employment and social consequences of the pandemic. Extraordinary EU-level stimulus measures and coordination efforts have provided support for Member States. In addition to measures to support national healthcare systems and foster collaboration in the development of a vaccine, a package of measures has been adopted to minimise the impact of the pandemic on people/households, workers and businesses.
