作者: Thomas S Harle , Clark L Carrol , Norman E Leeds , Luceil B North , Ronelle A DuBrow
摘要: . DISCUSSIONPortal hypertension frequently leads to the de-velopment of vanices, especially in the esopha-gus and stomach. Esophageal varices are plexuses formed by dilated subepithelial veins, sub-mucosal veins, and dilated venae eomitantes of the vagus nerves that lie outside the tunica muscularis. Normally, the plexus is supplied by the anterior branch of the left gastric vein, whereas the posterior branch enters the azygos and hemiazygos system.Mediastinal pseudotumors are present in less than 5% of patients with portal hypertension. These pseudotumors may be caused by paraesophageal collateral vessels or greatly dilated azygos or hemiazygos veins. In patients with portal hypertension, venous masses must be differentiated from other causes of posterior mediastinal masses. The presence of dilated collateral veins may be confirmed with angiography, although dynamic computed tomography(CT) is …