Department of Justice to prepare the following resource

作者: Joshua D Freilich , Steven M Chermak , Brent R Klein



摘要: This project investigated the root causes of school shootings. It innovatively used a casecontrol methodology to compare 157 adolescent school shooters (cases) to samples of two key comparison groups:(i) 157 non-school adolescent shooting offenders and (ii) 157 non-offending youths who attended the same school as the school shooter (controls) in the United States between 1990 and 2020 (overall n= 471). We are one of the first studies to harness such vital control groups. We tested a series of research questions to identify factors that distinguish school shooters. School shootings and other acts of non-gun school violence cause significant fear and anxiety in many Americans. Indeed, the adverse costs of school shootings go well beyond the terrible loss of life and grief of the families and communities immediately impacted. Not only are teachers and children directly exposed, but parents, police, first responders, nurses, surgeons, pastors, counselors, and even custodians, to name a few, are also vicariously affected. Although growing public fear has led to an increase in school violence research in the last 25 years, most offender-level studies suffer from methodological limitations. There are few national-level data sources, inclusion and definitional criteria vary wildly, there is a wide range of reporting practices, and the rarity of these events precludes conventional methods. Consequently, most researchers rely on small convenience samples and descriptive studies, which make it difficult to draw firm, precise inferences from the relevant information. The major obstacles researchers must overcome to study the root causes of school violence are …
