作者: M Ilomets , E Karofeld , JM Punning , H Tullus
摘要: [en] In order to reduce fuel import for district heating (DH) the increase of indigenous fuels as peat and wood in heat production is required. The annual peat (0.5-0.6· 10 6 t) productivity and wood (ca 4· 10 6 t) is equal to 5.5-6.6 TJ and 48 TJ respectively. There are enough already drained mires and peat-fields in the radius of 50 km from Tallinn, Tartu and Paernu to cover the demands for fuel peat for the next 70 years without specific danger to the environment. Simultaneously, it cares be harvested about 3-4 mil. m 3/y-1 of wood for energy purposes with extra 1 mil. m 3/y-1 of wood from brushwoods growing on previous agricultural fields and road edges. Domestic biofuels can be used profitably first of all in small and medium size boilers close to the resources. Investments which would allow efficient use of low-cost domestic fuels would significantly contribute to improved trade balance.(author). 3 tabs