Model For Comparing And Projecting The Levelised Cost Of Electricity Generated By New Gas, Coal, Nuclear Power Stations And Wind Energy (On-And Offshore)

作者: Athanasia Arapogianni , Gloria Rodrigues , Nicolas Fichaux , Arthouros Zervos , George Caralis



摘要: The aim of this paper is to present the methodology for calculating and projecting the levelised cost of electricity generated from new fossil fuel, nuclear power stations and wind energy both on-and offshore. One of the most relevant elements of this methodology lies on the fact it takes into consideration the risk of the cost associated to the fuel and carbon price volatility. To do that, the methodology inserts a risk factor when accounting for these cost components, in order to form a fair basis for comparison among the different technologies. in this content, the cost components connected with a risk due to their volatility are treated differently. Fuel and carbon cost components are taken into consideration followed by the according risk. Additionally, the levelised cost of electricity is projected for the years 2020 and 2030. The effect of technology learning is taken into account in the methodology, providing a clear picture for …
