Cognition, Emotion, and Cerebrocerebellar Circuit Disruption in a Patient With Hemangioblastoma

作者: Daniel Talmasov , Jeremy Dan Schmahmann



摘要: In this issue of Neurology®, Inoue et al.1 describe a patient with a small cerebellar hemangioblastoma who presented for evaluation of depression, emotional blunting, and concentration difficulties developing over a period of 1 month. Examination revealed depression, anxiety, errors on the Mini-Mental State Examination, and impairments in attention, executive function, and processing speed. She demonstrated none of the features that characterize the cerebellar motor syndrome, namely, ataxia, dysarthria, and dysmetria. Brain MRI revealed the focal lesion in the superior aspect of the cerebellar anterior lobe that in the available images corresponds to vermis lobules III–IV (Inoue et al., Figure 1A). Perilesional fluid-attenuated inversion recovery hyperintensity consistent with edema was present in the cerebellar anterior lobe (Inoue et al., Figure 1B) extending inferiorly into medial regions of the white matter of the …
