Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry)

作者: K Minassian , U Hofstötter , SM Danner , B Freundl , H Binder



摘要: Publication Entry [Back] Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry): K. Minassian, U Hofstötter, SM Danner, B. Freundl, H. Binder, W. Mayr, F. Rattay, M. Dimitrijevic: "Neurophysiology of the human lumbar spinal rhythm and pattern generation under sustained, repetitive stimulation"; Talk: International Symposium on Spasticity and Neural Control of Movement with the 30th Dr. Janez Faganel Memorial Lecture, Ljubljana, Slovenia (invited); 09-04-2014 - 09-06-2014; in: "International Symposium on Spasticity and Neural Control of Movement with the 30th Dr. Janez Faganel Memorial Lecture: Program and Proceedings", J. Zidar (ed.); Section for Clinical Neurophysiology of the Slovenian Medical Association, Ljubljana, Slovenia (2014), ISBN: 978-961-6956-04-8; 57 - 59. English abstract: Epidural spinal cord stimulation (SCS) became available in 1967 when neurosurgeon Norman Shealy implanted the …
