Development of Sustainable Strategies Supporting Transportation Planning and Conservation Priorities across the West

作者: Rob Ament , Anthony Clevenger , Angela Kociolek , Tiffany Allen , Matt Blank



摘要: The Crucial Habitat Assessment Tool (CHAT) developed by the Western Governors’ Association (WGA) is an online system of maps that provides a high-level overview of crucial habitat for pre-planning on a variety of projects across 16 Western states.Recognizing the transportation sector as an important end-user of the regional and state-level CHATs, WGA and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) entered into an agreement in 2013 to identify opportunities to increase the use of CHATs, and other state and regional digital wildlife information, in transportation planning and project implementation. The report,“Development of Sustainable Strategies Supporting Transportation Planning and Conservation Priorities across the West,” is the culmination of that collaboration.
