Interdisciplinary natural resource and environmental policy program at Utah State University

作者: Joanna Endter-Wada , Richard S Krannich



摘要: The Natural Resource and Environmental Policy Program at Utah State University (USU) is an interdisciplinary, graduate, educational program that has been developed since the fall of 1991. The program administers and awards a graduate certificate, sponsors invited speakers, oversees student policy presentations, and facilitates interdisciplinary collaboration. The program has earned broad, campus-wide support and participation. All eight colleges at USU supported approval of the certificate program in 1994. At present, sixteen academic units are represented on its Faculty Advisory Committee, which oversees and makes decisions about the program. Fifty graduate students from fourteen academic units have pursued the Interdisciplinary Certificate in Natural Resource and Environmental Policy, eight students have received the certificate, and sixty-three faculty representing twenty academic units are affiliated …
