作者: M Navvabpour , H Moladoust
摘要: Introduction: More than 99% of electrical energy in diagnostic X-Ray tubes converts to heat. This process causes limitation in medical applicability especially in higher intensity for diagnostic and treatment purposes. Objective: To decrease the applicability limitation in x-ray generation via higher cooling rate Materials and Methods: In this study, a novel anode was proposed with special geometric design and use of new materials in order to obtain higher cooling rate. In doing so, a conventional anode with 9 Cm diameter and 127 Cm2 area, was compared with the proposed anode made of an alloy of chromium, copper and silver with 27 Cm diameter and 1145 Cm2 equipped with a tungsten ring in the same condition. Both anodes were placed inside a container without air flow and heated up to 1200 C using a plasma flame. Then, the anode temperatures were measured and recorded during cooling using a contact …