Bacterial Cells as Engineered Chassis

作者: Yanika Borg , Alexander Templar , Desmond Schofield , Darren N Nesbeth



摘要: Since the 1970s E. coli has been the standard biological vehicle for propagation of recombinant DNA, transgenic production of proteins and, via expression of recombinant enzymes, biological synthesis of small molecules. The natural utility of E. coli has benefitted fundamental research and wider society, via the biotechnology industries, on a scale that is difficult to quantify. Despite this, E. coli did not evolve to assist human activity per se, beyond its commensal role in the mammalian gut, and most of the exploited properties of E. coli, such as rapid growth under laboratory conditions, have been derived from fortuitous evolutionary coincidence.A truly designed vehicle for recombinant DNA, protein and enzyme production might look considerably different from E. coli and would certainly, as a first priority, dispense with all non-essential components that are immunogenic in humans. Because of its pre-eminent position …
