摘要: ResultsCurrent literature suggests that generation (Casbeard & Booth, 2012; Hurst, 2016; Stone & Sharpley, 2009) and memory (Lennon & Foley, 2000) could be causes of dark tourism sites to slide along the dark tourism spectrum. Glensheen Mansion aligns with this existing research. An existing theory emerged, as is standard in grounded theory (Charmaz, 2005). The Dark Tourism Spectrum (see Figure 1) was designed by Philip R. Stone as,“... a typology which locates dark tourism within a conceptual darkest-lightest framework”(Stone & Sharpley, 2009, p. 167). The darkest end of the spectrum relates to tourism sites of death and suffering. Tourism sites on this end of the spectrum tend to be educational, authentic, and history-based. The lightest end of the spectrum relates to tourism of death and suffering, however, they have a different set of characteristics. These sights tend to be entertainment and heritage …