作者: Kate Fitz-Gibbon , Sandra Walklate , Jasmine McGowan , JaneMaree Maher , Jude McCulloch
摘要: This project aimed to develop new understandings of risk and system interactions prior to intimate femicide in order to build the evidence base required to inform early intervention and the prevention of intimate femicide in Australia. Drawing on a quantitative and qualitative analysis of intimate femicide sentencing decisions imposed over a decade in Australian superior courts, the new knowledge generated from this project is intended to inform and assist in developing a more risk-sensitive approach to preventing and responding to intimate femicide in Australia and overseas, thereby enhancing women’s security.This report presents findings from the collection of over 250 intimate femicide sentencing judgments and the in-depth analyses of 235 of these. These judgements were used, in part, to identify potential points of intervention that might have provided an opportunity to prevent such killings.