作者: A Gollock , S Haddad , P Fournier
摘要: Senegal's universal health coverage (UHC) strategy aims, among others, to increase the penetration rate of mutual health organizations (MHO) to 65.5% in 2017. This study seeks to examine what accounts for the resilience and longevity of the oldest rural community mutual health organization in Senegal (Fandène MHO) and to draw from this experience in UHC. The study is founded on a case study with documentary research, individual interviews and focus group discussions with members, former members and officials of the Fandène MHO between 2012 and 2013, data coding using QDA Miner and thematic analysis. The resilience and longevity of the Fandène MHO is explained by the conditions governing its establishment, the characteristics of the target population, expanded reciprocity, governance, trust and critical awareness of its members, as well as the quality of care. The Fandène MHO enhances …