作者: Giovani L Vasconcelos , Arthur A Brum , Francisco AG Almeida , Antônio MS Macêdo , Gerson C Duarte-Filho
摘要: We apply a generalized logistic growth model, with time-dependent parameters, to describe the fatality curves of the COVID-19 disease for several countries that exhibit multiple waves of infections. In the case of two waves only, the model parameters vary as a function of time according to a logistic function, whose two extreme values, i.e., for early and late times, characterize the first and second waves, respectively. For the multiple-wave model, the time-dependency of the parameters is likewise described by a multi-step logistic function with N intermediate plateaus, representing the N waves of the epidemic. We show that the theoretical curves are in excellent agreement with the empirical data for all countries considered here, namely: Brazil, Canada, Germany, Iran, Italy, Japan, Mexico, South Africa, Sweden, and the USA. The model also allows for predictions about the time of occurrence and severity of the …