Temporal variation in flock size and habitat use of parrots in New Caledonia

作者: Andrew Legault , Jörn Theuerkauf , Sophie Rouys , Vivien Chartendrault , Nicolas Barré



摘要: Abstract. We examined daily activity patterns, flock-size variations, use of vertical space, and small-scale habitat selection of the New Caledonian Parakeet (Cyanoramphus saisseti), Horned Parakeet (Eunymphicus cornutus), and New Caledonian Rainbow Lorikeet (Trichoglossus haematodus deplanchii) on mainland New Caledonia. All three species had bimodal patterns of activity, with most encounters occurring in the morning and a second smaller peak of encounters in the late afternoon. The parakeets were usually seen singly or in twos, and most flocks contained fewer than four individuals. Parakeet flocks remained relatively consistent in size through the day and through the year. Most Rainbow Lorikeet flocks contained only a few individuals, though some reached up to 40 birds. Rainbow Lorikeets were encountered mainly in small flocks during the breeding season from September to January, and their …
