作者: Felipe Lourenço , Catarina Prado e Castro , Olga MCC Ameixa
摘要: This paper reports the first record of an established population of the seaweed fly Malacomyia sciomyzina (Haliday, 1833)(Diptera, Coelopidae) on Barra beach, Aveiro, Portugal. A total of 17 specimens were collected with sweep-nets from sea wrack dominated by Fucus sp. and the invasive water hyacinth Eichhornia crassipes (Mart) Solms. The individuals of this species were observed during autumn, overflying the sea wrack in this coastal area. Adult individuals were collected and reared under control conditions in a rearing facility, using the brown algae Fucus sp. as substrate. The complete life cycle was completed in about 5 weeks at 15ºC. A great variation in size was observed among both male and female emerged individuals.