Site‐and Individual‐Level Contaminations Affect Infection Prevalence of an Emerging Infectious Disease of Amphibians

作者: Kelly L Smalling , Brittany A Mosher , Luke R Iwanowicz , Keith A Loftin , Adam Boehlke



摘要: Emerging infectious disease outbreaks are one of multiple stressors responsible for amphibian declines globally. In the northeastern United States, ranaviral diseases are prevalent in amphibians and other ectothermic species, but there is still uncertainty as to whether their presence is leading to population‐level effects. Further, there is also uncertainty surrounding the potential interactions among disease infection prevalence in free‐ranging animals and habitat degradation (co‐occurrence of chemical stressors). The present study was designed to provide field‐based estimates of the relationship between amphibian disease and chemical stressors. We visited 40 wetlands across three protected areas, estimated the prevalence of ranavirus among populations of larval wood frogs and spotted salamanders, and assessed chemical and biological stressors in wetland habitats and larval amphibians using a suite of …
