作者: Andrea Renata Rodriguez , Manuel Haimovici , Eidi Kikuchi , Rodrigo Sant'Ana , Bruno L Mourato
摘要: Age, growth, and maturity of the bluewing searobin Prionotus punctatus were studied to assess its stock status in southern Brazil. Total length compositions, weight, sex, and maturity stage were recorded from commercial landings, and ages were estimated from transverse sections of the sagittal otolith. The oldest observed specimen was a 12‐year‐old female. Females grew to a larger asymptotic length (L∞ = 384.4 mm) than males (L∞ = 311.7 mm) but at a slower instantaneous rate (kfemales = 0.41 year−1, kmales = 0.75 year−1). Reproduction occurred from spring to early fall. Females size‐ and age‐at‐maturity was estimated at 246.8 mm and 1.66 years, while males were at 237.2 mm and 1.38 years. Based on a statistical catch‐at‐age stock assessment, the spawning biomass declined 84% from 1976 to 2000 being classified as overfished and suffering from overfishing (B/Bmsy = 0.62; F …