作者: Robert F Sidonio Jr , Maureane Hoffman , Gili Kenet , Yesim Dargaud
摘要: Thrombin plays an essential role in achieving and maintaining effective hemostasis and stable clot formation. In people with hemophilia, deficiency of procoagulant factor (F)VIII or FIX results in insufficient thrombin generation, leading to reduced clot stability and various bleeding manifestations. A correlation has been found between the bleeding phenotype of people with hemophilia and the extent of thrombin generation, with individuals with increased thrombin generation being protected from bleeding and those with lower thrombin generation having increased bleeding tendency. The amount, location, and timing of thrombin generation have been found to affect the formation and stability of the resulting clot. The goal of all therapies for hemophilia is to enhance the generation of thrombin with the aim of restoring effective hemostasis and preventing or controlling bleeding; current treatment approaches rely on …