Probable rastro de terópodo asociado a las huellas de titanosáuridos de Fumanya (Maastrichtiense, Pirineos Surorientales)

作者: B Vila , O Oms , À Galobart



摘要: The Fuman ya tracksite has yielded an abundant record of dinosaur tracks accounting for more than 3000 footprints occurring in a single bedding surface. This bed is a mar/y limestone that was deposited in a transitional mud-flat that crops out extensively in the open cast coa! mines of the Vallcebre syncline. Up to date only titanosaurid tracks have been reported at Fumanya site. Such tracks show the typical wide gauge pattern and print morphology of titanosaurids. We briefly describe a new and complete/y different trackway located in the same! ayer where titanosaurids tracks are found. Footprint morphology and trackway pattern seems to suggest a theropod trackmaker despite sorne pecu! iarities. Nevertheless such tracks are undergoing a severe and irreversible erosion that makes difficult their preservation and more accurate studies.
