Performance analysis of a BAPV bifacial system in Norway

作者: Heine Nygard Riise , Mari Øgaard , Junjie Zhu , Chang Chuan You , Fredrik Andersson



摘要: The performance of a BAPV bifacial system in Porsgrunn, Norway is reported. Specific yield of the plant is 1342 kWh/kWp while the PR is 1.01 for April 2020 to March 2021, both values considerably higher than typical performance of Norwegian PV plants. The high performance is in large part due to the bifacial gain of the system, which is calculated to 17 %. The bifacial gain, and performance of the plant is increased through a novel albedo-enhancing membrane underneath the modules. Through bifacial gain analysis and reflectance measurements of the membrane, its albedo is estimated to be 40-60 %. The impact of snow and shading is investigated and found to be insignificant for the annual energy production of the plant.
