Előzetes adatok Szenéte környékének kisemlősfaunájához

作者: Aczél-Fridrich Zsuzsanna , Cserkesz Tamas , Zsolt Hegyeli , Szilárd Sugár



摘要: Very few published data are available regarding the small mammals of the Giurgeu Depression. Faunistic data resulting from the 2004-2010 period are hereby summarized in order to fill this gap. Several live trapping campaigns were performed in this period in the vicinity of Senetea locality. During these campaigns at first Sherman traps were used, while during the most intensive period (which was undertaken in July 2010) only pitfall traps were used. In addition, data about specimens casually found dead in the area were also collected. A total of 74 individuals of 11 small mammal species were identified. Of these, 42 individuals belonging to 9 species were listed as a result of live trapping. The new finding of the northern birch mouse (Sicista betulina) could provide noteworthy information about the occurrence and habitat preference of the species.
