Estratégias de marketing-Como as emoções afetam a compra de falsificados

作者: Delane Botelho , Felipe Zambaldi



摘要: This paper invesfigates emofional variables and their influence on purchase behavior in relafion to nondecepfive counterfeit products. The first phase was a qualitafive exploratory study composed of 42 in-depth interviews whose findings we used to refine the hypotheses to be tested in the experimental phase. We hypothesized that in-group (supporters of a football team) responsibility for team failure (consuming counterfeit products) leads to greater group-based guilt and anger, and in-group responsibility for team success (consuming original products) leads to greater group-based pride. The greater the guilt associated with the in-group’s failure is, the greater the intenfion to repair the failure (counterfeit consumpfion) but not the intenfion to punish wrongdoers or the out-group favoring original consumpfion. Furthermore, the greater the anger toward the in-group’s failure is, the greater the intenfion to punish …
