Managing electromyogram contamination in scalp recordings: An approach identifying reliable beta and gamma EEG features of psychoses or other disorders

作者: Kenneth J Pope , Trent W Lewis , Sean P Fitzgibbon , Azin S Janani , Tyler S Grummett



摘要: Objective In publications on the electroencephalographic (EEG) features of psychoses and other disorders, various methods are utilized to diminish electromyogram (EMG) contamination. The extent of residual EMG contamination using these methods has not been recognized. Here, we seek to emphasize the extent of residual EMG contamination of EEG. Methods We compared scalp electrical recordings after applying different EMG‐pruning methods with recordings of EMG‐free data from 6 fully paralyzed healthy subjects. We calculated the ratio of the power of pruned, normal scalp electrical recordings in the six subjects, to the power of unpruned recordings in the same subjects when paralyzed. We produced “contamination graphs” for different pruning methods. Results EMG contamination exceeds EEG signals progressively more as frequencies exceed 25 Hz and with distance from the vertex. In contrast …
