On optimal coreset construction for euclidean (k, z)-clustering

作者: Lingxiao Huang , Jian Li , Xuan Wu



摘要: Constructing small-sized coresets for various clustering problems in different metric spaces has attracted significant attention for the past decade. A central problem in the coreset literature is to understand what is the best possible coreset size for (k,z)-clustering in Euclidean space. While there has been significant progress in the problem, there is still a gap between the state-of-the-art upper and lower bounds. For instance, the best known upper bound for k-means (z=2) is min{O(k3/2 ε−2),O(k ε−4)} [Cohen-Addad, Larsen, Saulpic, Schwiegelshohn, Sheikh-Omar, NeurIPS’22], while the best known lower bound is Ω(kε−2) [Cohen-Addad, Larsen, Saulpic, Schwiegelshohn. STOC’22]. In this paper, we make significant progress on both upper and lower bounds. For a large range of parameters (i.e., ε, k), we have a complete understanding of the optimal coreset size. In particular, we obtain the following results: (1) We …
