GPVI expression is linked to platelet size, age, and reactivity

作者: Alicia Veninga , Stefan Handtke , Konstanze Aurich , Bibian ME Tullemans , Sanne LN Brouns



摘要: Platelets within one individual display heterogeneity in reactivity, size, age, and expression of surface receptors. To investigate the combined intraindividual contribution of platelet size, platelet age, and receptor expression levels on the reactivity of platelets, we studied fractions of large and small platelets from healthy donors separated by using differential centrifugation. Size-separated platelet fractions were perfused over a collagen-coated surface to assess thrombus formation. Multicolor flow cytometry was used to characterize resting and stimulated platelet subpopulations, and platelet age was determined based on RNA and HLA-I labeling. Signal transduction was analyzed by measuring consecutive phosphorylation of serine/threonine-protein kinase Akt. Compared with small platelets, large platelets adhered faster to collagen under flow and formed larger thrombi. Among the large platelets, a highly …
