Urban Natural Areas, from Nature Conservation to Well-being Assets

作者: Simona LUNGU , Geta RÎȘNOVEANU



摘要: The increased density of human population globally and the negative impact of some human actions put pressure on the components of natural capital and its ability to regulate and support the effects of human activities. The high complexity of urban systems, multidisciplinarity of issues and multiple impacts they face (resulting from overpopulation, pollution, climate change and, more recently, pandemics) pose an increased challenge for the management of urban agglomerations. In this context, terms such as resilience and sustainability or environmental protection are increasingly used in public administrations. In this review, we want to highlight the importance of green urban areas in providing cultural and regulating benefits to society and the role students' play in identifying and raising awareness on the services that natural capital offers to human communities. The reviewed literature emphasizes the multifunctional role of urban natural areas, including biodiversity conservation and provision of benefits essential for human population wellbeing. Despite the general recognition of the positive role of civic engagement for the development of highly qualified and better adapted human resources, our review revealed the limited civic engagement of universities in assessing and raising awareness on the role of green areas for urban communities. We also noticed an increased interest of universities in growing their impact on society and giving students opportunities for civic engagement.
