作者: Larry Meinert
摘要: The Yellowknife greenstone belt in the Archean Slave province is one of Canada’s major gold mining districts, and one of the best preserved and exposed Archean volcanic belts worldwide. Declining reserves, following more than 60 years of continuous gold production, stimulated the initiation of the Yellowknife EXploration science and TECHnology project in 1998. The resulting EXTECH III project, the third of a series of projects initiated by the Geological Survey of Canada in collaboration with various university and industry partners, had the objective of defining new exploration targets for gold mineralization in the Yellowknife greenstone belt using new technology and exploration concepts accomplished through multidisciplinary studies and ran from 1999 to 2003. The EXTECH project built on a comprehensive geological and geochronological database developed over 60 years of government and industry …