SLI, Lund

作者: Wolfgang Britz , Christine Wieck , Torbjörn Jansson



摘要: During the CAPRI project (1996-1999), a consistent regionalised data base at NUTS II level was one major outcome and task. The statistical time gap together with the time plan of the project resulted in time series from 1990-1995, and a three-year average around 1994 was chosen as the base year for model calibration.The regionalised CAPRI data base built upon three major sources (1) the SPEL-EU data base as a consistent national frame for farm and market balances, activity levels (hectares of crops and animal herd sizes), unit value prices and the Economic Accounts for Agriculture,(2) the REGIO domain of EUROSTAT as the main source for regional activity levels and physical output, and (3) data supplied by the partners of the project, to fill gaps or correct errors in REGIO and to supply data not comprised in it, mainly data on political instruments.
