Tool condition monitoring in micro-end milling using wavelets

作者: NK Dubey , A Roushan , US Rao , K Sandeep , K Patra



摘要: In this work, Tool Condition Monitoring (TCM) strategy is developed for micro-end milling of titanium alloy and mild steel work-pieces. Full immersion slot milling experiments are conducted using a solid tungsten carbide end mill for more than 1900 s to have reasonable amount of tool wear. During the micro-end milling process, cutting force and vibration signals are acquired using Kistler piezo-electric 3-component force dynamometer (9256C2) and accelerometer (NI cDAQ-9188) respectively. The force components and the vibration signals are processed using Discrete Wavelet Transformation (DWT) in both time and frequency window. 5-level wavelet packet decomposition using Db-8 wavelet is carried out and the detailed coefficients D1 to D5 for each of the signals are obtained. The results of the wavelet transformation are correlated with the tool wear. In case of vibration signals, de-noising is done for higher …
