Maintenance of vigour and viability of stored jute seeds.

作者: RN Basu , K Chattopadhyay , PK Bandopadhyay , SL Basak



摘要: Under ambient temp. and RH conditions of Calcutta, jute seeds stored in cloth bags after harvest in Nov.-Dec. did not show significant deterioration until the time of next sowing in April-May. However, the left-over seeds, stored through the hot and humid monsoon season, started to show signs of physiological deterioration and in Corchorus olitorius jute, in particular, considerable deterioration took place by the end of Sept. In both C. capsularis and C. olitorius, the carry-over seeds showed a significant loss of vigour and viability by the next sowing time in April-May. The loss of vigour and viability of carry-over jute seeds could be greatly minimized by hydration-dehydration treatment of the stored seeds towards the end of the rainy season or even during the winter months when sun-drying or hydrated seeds would be easier. The soaking treatment should be given for short periods, not exceeding 1-3 h, followed by …
