P-619 AMH/AFC ratio as a predictive factor for ovarian responsiveness to gonadotropins during ovarian stimulation

作者: L Melado Vidales , E Kalafat , B Lawrenz , R Del Gallego , F Ruiz



摘要: Although AFC is a robust marker of oocyte yield after OS, its combination with Anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) seems to improve the predictability. Besides, Follicular Output Rate [FORT:(number of pre-ovulatory follicles on day of trigger/AFC at baseline) x 100] and Follicle-to-Oocyte Index [FOI:(number of retrieved oocytes/AFC)× 100] evaluate the ovarian responsiveness to gonadotropins during OS, representing its sensitivity to exogenous FSH. Both parameters take antral follicle count (AFC) only into consideration. AMH and AFC as a ratio might optimize the accuracy of FORT and FOI metrics, helping to predict which patients are at higher risk of suboptimal results.
