P-398 Lower ectopic pregnancy prevalence with natural endometrial preparation in single euploid frozen embryo transfers

作者: A Salame , E Kalafat , R Del Gallego Bonilla , B Lawrenz , H Fatemi



摘要: Three patients were lost to follow-up and two patients died after cryopreservation. Twelve patients (52%) returned for a semen analysis during oncological treatment. After a median time of 9 months [8-12] of immunotherapy, a reduction in all semen variables was noted, particularly in total sperm count (77 million [49-189], p= 0.05 compared to basal condition) and the total count of progressive spermatozoa (34 million [23-77], p= 0.02 compared to basal condition). No differences were observed in morphology. Ten (43%) patients returned after the end of immunotherapies. One patient died before completing the follow-up. A recovery of all sperm variables compared to the cryopreserved sample was observed. Total sperm count and total motile sperm count were 190 millions [107–320] and 79 millions [34–140], respectively (p= ns). Two patients thawed their cryopreserved semen for an IVF cycle during immunotherapy …
