作者: MU Adikwu , PO Nnamani , AA Attama
摘要: Snail mucin was extracted from the giant African snail, Archachatina marginata, Fam. Arionidae, by washing with dístilled water and precipitation with chilled acetone and lyophilization of the precipitate. The bioadhesive propertíes of the snail mucin dispersions were evaluated using a tensiometer and coated glass beads. Granules confainíng admixtures of snail mucín and Carbopol Ultrez-10 with chlorpropamide as the model drug were formulated, evaluated and their bioadhesiveness also determined. The release properties of chlorpropamide from the granules were studied in simulated íntestinal and gastric fluids. The snail mucín díspersion had high bioadhesive strength, and the strength was found to be maximal when simulated gastric fluid was used as the washing fluid. The formulated granules also had high bioadhesive strengths and possessed good compressibility properties. The release of chlorpropamide …