作者: Ch Herfarth , E Göksoy , H Kalafat , A Altintaş , L Kaptanoğlu
摘要: The development of surgery in Turkey can be described in four phases. Some knowledge of the „pre-Islamic phase“ can be gleaned from Uighur artefacts, which reveal evidence of cautery procedures. The renowned Islamic physician Ibn Sina (Avicenna) was active in the „early Islamic phase“. His book Canon of Medicine remained a standard work right up to the 16th century. The „Seldschukic phase“ was characterised by the construction of exemplary hospitals. The “Osmanic phase” embraced the life and work of another famous Islamic doctor, Serafeddin Sabuncuoglu, author of the world-renowned illustrated surgical text, Cerrahiyyet-ül Haniyye. Modern surgical techniques featuring asepsis, antisepsis and anaesthesia were introduced from 1890 onwards. Following the foundation of modern Turkey, education was modernised. The former Dar-ül-Funun University was closed in 1933 and the new Istanbul …